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My Role:

Art Director, Experiential Designer

Adobe Experience Cloud

From Here On

Placed 6th amongst 110 Universities Nationwide

District XI Champions

Media agencies, and media planners/buyers are unaware that Adobe Experience Cloud exists.


The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of AEC among the media professionals.


LinkedIn Sponsored gifs

The GIFs are a hook to attract LinkedIn users’ attention to AEC sponsored articles on their LinkedIn timeline.

Each GIF has a simple animation that stands out as an eye catching banner amongst the rest of the feed, driving traffic to the intended post.


Data from Twitter shows that ad engagements increased 69% over the last year, with a 28% drop in cost=per-ad engagement, making Twitter a cost-effective option for the campaign. The Twitter placements will allow Adobe to lead their audience directly to their website.

Native Sponsored Twitter
Youtube Pre-roll


When it comes to B2B Marketing, trade magazines are a must for any successful campaign. The primary readers of Adweek and AdAge are the most common decision makers in companies. Over 60% of Adweek and AdAge audiences wither work in ad agencies or as marketers inn different industries. Placements in these magazines will reach our typer-targeted segment- as well as their sphere of influence. Using AR, readers will scan the print ads which willl trigger a maze game and will later lead the player to the Adobe website.

The Experiential

As we outgrow our current system, we are undergoing a communication revolution right before our eyes. The way we interact with our friends, colleagues, and brands is evolving as individuals become more technologically “enlightened.”
Convention Booths

The Adobe convention booth comprises the exhibition area, interactive screening area, and the lounge area, with a capacity of 20-25 people. Award-winning campaign cases created with the Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising will be showcased in multiple exhibition sections, and promotional videos demonstrating the power of AEC will br screened as well. This booth enables visitors to discuss and directly interact with the on-site staff to understand the value and advantages that AEC could potentially bring to their business.

I decided to make the booth a cloud shape and use color-tinted translucent reflective glass for the exterior to reflect the idea of AEC: a collection of integrated online marketing and web analytics products that offer business insights.

The sleek, transparent appearance and edge-cutting design will help the audience to make positive associations withe the product.

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Adobe Summit

All previous placements have been leading up to the Adobe Summit–the ultimate campaign conclusion. The Summit will include its own tailored agenda featuring a discussion on ethics, personalized badges for our audiences and a special Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising exhibit during the Community Mixer. Matt Rivitz, founder of the Twitter account, Sleeping Giants will deliver his “Ethics in Programmatics” talk for our audience. As an activist who challenges the digital community to stop programmatic ads from appearing on platforms riddled with hate speech, Rivitz is the perfect spokesperson for the Adobe awakening. Beyond the scope of this campaign, when highlighting changemakers like Rivitz, Adobe stays true to their values of being genuine and involved.

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Name Tag


Our specialized badges will make heroes out of our target audiences by granting unique access to the Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising exhibit. Exclusive perks, such as a VR experience and badges with personalized auras, will serve as a conversation starter at the Summit and when our audiences return to work.

Media Arcade

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The media arcade is an exclusive personal experience during the Adobe Summit for the practitioners, decision-makers, and vision leaders.

Similar to Adobe's "Creative Types" quiz for creatives, the Media Arcade is a special way for professionals in media to find their personal character type within the industry.

I designed the arcade shape based on the Adobe logo to enhance brand image and perception. To achieve a cohesive visual look, the exterior material of the arcade is the same as the convention booth.

Taking advantage of the logo shape, the walk inside the arcade will be an immersive experience which will highlight the importance of the target audience's day-to-day work and ansi encourage interaction and conversation about the Adobe Experience Cloud.

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