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Take Action


Our campaign aims to spread awareness and educate individuals on the anti-trans sports laws.


If you have already taken the time to educate yourselves and would like to support trans athletes and the trans community, please consider signing our petition which takes a stand against the unfair sports laws. 

Sign Now

Transgender Resources

We have also linked a few organizations that support the trans community. Check out their websites.

(legal services and advocacy)

 (support for families

and trans youth)

(info about trans athletes)

Tips for Allies of Transgender People

  • You can't tell if someone is transgender just by looking.

  • Don't make assumptions about a transgender person's sexual orientation.

  • If you don't know what pronouns to use, listen first.

  • Respect the terminology a transgender person uses to describe their identity.

  • Understand there is no "right" or "wrong" way to transition, and that it is different for every person.

  • Don't ask a transgender person what their "real name" is.

  • Understand the differences between "coming out" as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and "coming out" as transgender.

  • Be careful about confidentiality, disclosure, and "outing."

  • Be patient with a person who is questioning or exploring their gender identity.

  • Don't ask about a transgender person's genitals, surgical status, or sex life.

Become a Sponsor

Learn More

Learn more about resources and issues important to the transgender community at here

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